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Quiet as a Stone : Player's Guide


I hope you enjoy Quiet as a Stone! This guide is intended to list all the controls and features. Please approach the game in a serendipitous manner, embrace impermanence, interact with discovered items, take photographs, soak up the atmosphere & relax!

There are no goals or checklists. No achievements. No saving, loading or management. Just yourself and your own explorations.

Exploration Mode

Camera Movement

In exploration mode the camera is somewhat similar to Black & White's camera. Or at least, so many people mention this it must be true!

The cursor moves in 3D space based on the position of the mouse. It is context sensitive and will change based on what it is hovering over. You can alter the camera drag sensitivity on the settings menu.

The UI in the bottom right corner of the screen will show some of the current context sensitive controls.

If you feel a scene is too dark you can alter the camera exposure using the 0 & 9 keys.

Cursor Interaction




Clay Pots


Photography Mode

Creative Mode

The Map

Settings Menu


Troubleshooting / FAQ

Available on Steam or Itch.io for PC & Mac

By Richard Whitelock Twitter | Instagram | Homepage

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Distant Lantern Studios Ltd (Contact|Homepage|Discord)

formatted by Markdeep 0.23